再次感謝貴公司的贊助,使 Ponte Singers 能夠實踐理念,將更好的合唱音樂帶給香港,以音樂建立心靈上的溝通。
Once again, we would like to thank you for your donation. Your support makes our mission possible to bring better choral music to Hong Kong, and to bridge between hearts with music.
You may also consider to support us under the following sponsoring scheme.
音樂會冠名贊助人Tailor-made Concert Benefactors (more than $50000)
- 以貴公司商號冠名所有音樂會有關之宣傳
With concert titled with your company in every advertisement
金贊助人Gold Benefactors (more than $7000)
- 獲贈6張年度音樂會門票
With invitation to our annual concert with 6 tickets
- 刊登貴公司之全版廣告2年
With a full-size advertisement of your company in our programme book for 2 years
銀贊助人Silver Benefactors (more than $3500)
- 獲贈4張年度音樂會門票
With invitation to our annual concert with 4 tickets
- 刊登貴公司之全版廣告1年
With a full-size advertisement of your company in our programme book for 1 years
銅贊助人Bronze Benefactors (more than $2000)
- 獲贈2張年度音樂會門票
With invitation to our annual concert with 2 tickets
- 刊登貴公司之半版廣告1年
With a half-size advertisement of your company in our programme book for 1 years
Please kindly fill in the form below,